The space station, TSS (Tiangong Space Station) was drafted, launched, and deployed solely by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). It orbits the Earth at an altitude between 217 and 280 miles (350 to 450 kilometers), which is like the International Space Station. Tiangong translates to Palace Heaven in Chinese.

Source : Wikipedia


Tiangong Space Station primarily consists of 3 modules. The first module Tianhe, was launched by long march %B rocket and deployed on April 28,2021. Tianhe, being the station’s core module serves as the primary control. On June 16,2022, the first crew named Shenzhou 12 arrived after staying onboard on Tianhe for 90 days. This has set a record, as its 3x the time, China has spent on the outer space.

Followed by Tianhe, two additional modules were launched. Wentian (Quest for heavens) was launched on July 24,2022, followed by Meng Tian (Dreaming of the heavens) on October 31,2022. Wentian operates as the living area and centre of scientific researches. The scientific researches are mainly based on biology, physics, material science and medicine.

Source : Wikipedia/Shenzhou 12 crew


TSS works based on automated docking systems which makes the deployment much easier. The system is a combination of radars, lasers, and optical sensors for accurate docking. Additionally, the system is equipped with robotic arms to ensure accurate docking and maintain the systems, beyond human capabilities.

The assembly of the Tiangong Space Station (TSS) consisted of 4 major steps

  1. Launch and Deployment
  2. Docking and integration
  3. Activation and testing
  4. Crew mission

ECLSS- Environment Control and Life Support System

This system overviews the waste management, water recycling and air revitalisation onboard. This makes the environment sustainable for the astronauts and reduces the number of supply missions required. It recycles Carbon dioxide to Oxygen, purifies water etc.,.


China has paid huge attention in building lightweight and durable materials to protect the station from harsh weather conditions in outer space. It also regulates the temperature within the module.  

In addition, TSS has been equipped with large, high efficiency solar panels which converts sunlight to the required energy. It tracks the sun and extracts the maximum energy from it. On days with unexpected weather conditions, it uses the energy stored within the space station.


High frequency communication is enabled to maintain stable connection with the ground station on Earth. Data relay satellited help in transmitting real time data to the CNSA(China National Space Agency).


TSS, being a Chinese based space station, it is open to projects and researches internationally. In 2019, CMSA, along with UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) selected 9 projects out of 17 countries. The opportunities are open to every UN country, especially the developing ones.

German, Russia, Italy, France, and Pakistan are few major countries involved in the collaboration.  

Few of the selected collaborations and their disciplines of research are listed below:

  1. Kenya – CubeSat Deployment
  2. Mexico – Biological phenomenon
  3. Peru – Climatic conditions in outer space
  4.  Saudi – Biomedical researches
  5. Italy – Fluid dynamics and material science in microgravity.


  • ISS mainly consists of 5 space agencies of various countries (NASA, Ros cosmos, ESA, JAXA, CSA) while TSS is solely China based and is open to international collaborations.
  • ISS has many intergovernmental formal collaborations while China makes the process more flexible and paves way for the developing countries.
  • In the ISS, few modules are contributed by different countries (Japan-KIBO, US- Destiny Laboratory) whereas the modules of TSS are purely based in China.
  • The ISS consists of 16 modules while TSS is a combination of 3 modules.
  • The International Space Station gains financial support which is broadly shared by participating countries whereas TSS is funded by China.

Scientific Research and Technological Advancements:

TSS serves as a domain for variety of interdisciplinary fields including biology, physics, geology, medicine. Few of the researches are listed below


Studies have been conducted on the growth and adaption of plant life and microbes in the microgravity condition. Insights have been gathered on the effects of microgravity in the life of microbes and plant growth in outer space.


Under microgravity condition, analysis of gene expressions and cellular process have been observed. This will lead to huge advancements in genetics and epigenetics.


Behaviour of metals and alloys in microgravity is studied development of alloys, metals with increased corrosion resistance, lightweight and strong durability are developed.


Advanced sensors have been used to monitor the climatic patterns on Earth. This helped the scientists to get a clear idea about the pollution on Earth and adverse effects of it.


Advanced robots with automated systems have been employed in the space station. This has helped in easy docking and maintenance.

Source: CNN/Interior of TSS


During long duration flights, human body has been getting affected severely due to the change in gravity conditions. These problems lead to huge technological advancements. Astronauts have been diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, muscle atrophy and various health issues. Apart from physical conditions, the psychological and behavioural health is also getting affected. This led to researches in modifying the space craft design and in-depth study of material sciences to bring a positive impact on human health. Biomedical research domain in space has been developing rapidly to provide an effective solution for these problems.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

TSS has been a major contribution to China’s economy. The development of TSS has contributed to China’s aerospace industries and the new technological developments are commercialised. With the partnerships of other countries, very less to minimal financial support is directly received by TSS. Besides that, TSS receives fund and many other forms of resources in exchange.

Apart from finances, TSS has helped China to secure a top position in the global space arena. By inviting partnerships, China strengthens its relation with other countries which also includes, geopolitics. Additionally, it promotes STEM education and fosters scientific research, ensuring long-term benefits for China’s technological and scientific landscape. Overall, TSS is a cornerstone of China’s ambitions to be a leading space power and a major player in global technological advancement.

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