Research Paper Writing Workshop

This course is full right now. We limit the number of students to create an optimized and productive group dynamic.

Course Curriculum

Day 1

  • Live Class 1
  • Recording- Day 1

Day 2


Left to enroll only at ₹299

This course is full right now. We limit the number of students to create an optimized and productive group dynamic.

Aman Bhavsar
Aman Bhavsar
Graduate - IIAS, Aerospace Engineering at VIT Bhopal
He have worked in

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Aman Bhavsar

Btech 3rd year, Department of Aerospace engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, Advanced PoSSUM Academy Graduate from IIAS, Co-authored research papers at IAC Baku and Paris. He has research interestes on Robotics, Spaceflight Mechanics, Propulsion, Avionics, GNC etc

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